Sereh (Lemon Grass)

Sereh (Lemon Grass)

Cymbopogon Citratus

Sereh (Lemon Grass)Popular throughout Southeast Asia, lemon grass adds a subtle flavor entirely distinct from lemons. The extracted oil is called citonella and makes a decent natural mosquito repellent. Sereh (lemon grass) itself is fairly easy to grow in a pot inside the house with just a few blades pulled off as required.

Lemon grass is almost always available in Asian markets and it is starting to show up in major supermarkets as well. You can also find a dried, powdered version that is handy to keep around. Another good way to keep fresh lemon grass on hand is to freeze it and work with it directly from the freezer.


When recipes in this book list lemon grass in inches it is meant to be cut at the base of the stalk where it is more tender and easier on the stomach. Chop it finely before grinding into bumbus.


When a recipe calls for a bruised stalk of sereh, first peel off any dried-up blades before bruising the remaining stalk with a pestle or big spoon. Twist it around and tie it in a knot to facilitate the release of fragrant oils. you can also make an excellent tea this way. Just boil the bruised stalk of sereh in ywo cups of water for about 10 minutes.


One inch of lemon grass is equivalent to about one teaspoon of the dry powder. If you can't find the powder then use about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice for each stalk called for.

Sereh (Lemon Grass)
(Lemon Grass)

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