Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaves)

Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaves)

Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaves)

Manihot Esculenta

Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaves)Cassava is the source of tapioca and was brought from South America. The leaves of singkong are popular in Indonesian stir fries and are amazingly high in protein. They should never be eaten raw. The root is a staple food on some of the more arid islands of Indonesia where rice cannot be grown. The plant is midly toxic and the root should be peeled before cooking and never be eaten raw. It contains the theoretical upper limit of starch by dry weigh which explains why tapioca flour is so useful for gluing together. Substitute kangkung or spinach for singkong leaves. Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaves) are a good source of protein if supplemented with the amino acid methionine despite containing cyanide.

A very nutritious addition to cassava root at meal times is Daun Singkong (cassava leaves). As the bar charts show, cassava leaves provide high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Half a cup of cooked cassava leaves would provide half of the daily Vitamin A needs of a young child. Vitamin A is needed for proper growth, healthy eyes and protection from disease. People should be encouraged to use this valuable food whenever it is available. Cassava leaves also have a fair amount of dietary fibre.

Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaves)

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