Kangkung (Water Spinach)

Kangkung (Water Spinach)

Ipomoea Aquatica

Kangkung (Water Spinach)
Kangkung (Water Spinach) thrives in water which explain its English names of swamp cabage, water convolvulus and water morning glory. It grows abundantly in Indonesia and is also very popular in Thailand where it is known as phak bung. Kangkung is rich in vitamins A and C and a good source of iron. In Indonesia it is considered a tonic for insomnia.

To cook kangkung first separate the leaves from the stems which are often tough and bitter. If the stems seem young and tender however you can chop and cook them as well.


Regular spinach might seem sacrilegious to an Indonesian, but it will get you by with most recipes when you can't find real kangkung.

Kangkung (Water Spinach)

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